From middle school through her freshman year, Taylor Loan ran. She joined Conway High鈥檚 track and cross country teams, but she soon made a discovery.
鈥淚 realized running was not for me, especially long distance,鈥 she said. 鈥淚鈥檇 always wanted to try tennis 鈥 I was like, 鈥極K, well now鈥檚 my opportunity.鈥櫬燬o I figured, why not try it? And I liked it ever since.鈥
Loan picked a good time to embrace Tiger tennis. Last season, Conway won the region and reached the third round of the 5A playoffs before falling to Wando.
So far, they have earned wins over St. James and Carolina Forest this season.
Aubrey Hunter (left) and Christopher DeWitt are football players at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Sophie Cribb (left), Ross Williams (center) and Gracie Benton are on the competitive cheer squad at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Allyson Lundy (front) Kacie Booth and Ruby Moore (right) are volleyball players at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Aubrey Hunter (left) and Christopher DeWitt are football players at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Tucker Smithwick is a swimmer at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Sophie Cribb (left), Ross Williams (center) and Gracie Benton are on the competitive cheer squad at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Tucker Smithwick is a swimmer at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Sarah Courtney is a swimmer at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Taylor Loan is a tennis player at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Allyson Lundy (front) Kacie Booth and Ruby Moore (right) are volleyball players at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Mary Faith Holt (left) and Caroline Thompkins are cross country runners at Conway High School. Photo by Janet Morgan/
Heading into the 2020 matches, there were questions about how Conway would fare without some of last year鈥檚 talent. The Tigers lost players to graduation, and their No. 2 player transferred. Loan, the team鈥檚 only senior, remains confident.
鈥淲e鈥檝e still got it,鈥 she said. 鈥淚鈥檝e got faith in everybody.鈥 And after months of COVID-19 changes, Loan also looks forward to having more time with her teammates and time to exercise.
鈥淓veryone gets along so well,鈥 she said. 鈥淭here鈥檚 never really been an issue on the team with anybody. Everybody鈥檚 always laughing. And it鈥檚 a good way to get exercise.鈥
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