Loris water tower and flags.jpg

Flags wave in the wind on Meeting Street in downtown Loris Monday, April 29, 2024.

Loris City Council was updated at its Monday, Oct. 7 meeting on a pending water line replacement project planned for the downtown.

The council learned that Hanna Engineering of Florence and Myrtle Beach will be seeking bids for the first phase of the project as soon as it receives a required South Carolina Department of Transportation permit.

The $5.3 million project to replace aging lines including 10-inch mains will be conducted in several phases primarily utilizing state funding, including a $4.5 million South Carolina Infrastructure Investment Program grant. The city must supply a $300,000 local match.

A subsequent stage will include replacing water and sewer lines that run beneath the railroad tracks, which require additional permits and will be put out for bid in the spring of 2025.

In other water matters, work is nearing completion to identify any areas in the city where lead water service lines may still be in use. The South Carolina Department of Environmental Services is leading the effort to eliminate any remaining lead water pipes in the state.

Council instructed City Manager Clay Young to solicit bids for landscaping, painting and other work at the city鈥檚 Public Safety Building, and learned that the city will be purchasing tables and chairs and installing a refrigerator to complete renovations to the kitchen and meeting room in Watson Park.

Young was also authorized to spend up to $35,000 in hospitality tax funds to remove concrete and asphalt, install a new sidewalk, fill and landscape a vacant city-owned lot across Walnut Street from city hall. Benches will be installed and visitors will be able to utilize the area.

In other news

Council set trick-or-treating in the city for 6-8 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31, and told residents who need a smoke detector for their home to come to city hall to make arrangements to have one installed.

Reach Casey Jones at 843-488-7261 or casey.jones@myhorrynews.com.


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